Saturday, January 07, 2006


Q: What is Faith?
A: Faith is an irrational belief that something is true. Before you go and get all bent out of shape on Me, let Me say that when I say "irrational", I dont mean "wrong", "crazy", "whacked-out", "insane", or anything terrible like that. I mean "not rational". Faith is based on the feeling that something is true, rather than on facts and logic. Certainly facts and logic enter into the equation at some point (otherwise you may truly be insane), but while they may inform or even be the basis of your Faith, they are not what it is that you Believe In.
This does not make Faith any the lesser, but it needs to be understood that Faith is not Knowledge. Knowledge is about Facts. Facts are concrete, they can be verified. Faith is about Belief, and while Belief can be reinforced, it cannot be verified with anything but more belief.

This is why many Americans are throwing fits about the teaching of Intelligent Design. It is not because they dont think the God had a hand in the Evolution of Life, it's that there is no way to ever verify that I did. How would you design a test for My Existence? Do you think I would run around through your little twists and turns to get your little theoretical chunk of cheese? Not only would I not run through your maze, I wouldnt walk through the walls of it. I wouldnt sit at the beginning and call the cheese to me. I wouldnt even bother to avoid being around to not run your little experiment.

Humans could not even perceive what would it would take to create a maze for Me.

Anyway, Faith is type of Knowledge, but it should not be confused with Facts, which is Knowledge that is verifiable. Faith is only verifiable in the sense that it has stood you just fine so far. Dont confuse So Far with Fact.

But dont think that Faith contains no Truth, either.